Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Taurus New Moon Empowering Wealth!

The Taurus New Moon on April 21 is empowering us to create greater wealth in our health, finances and environment—our beautiful Mother Earth. Taurus is the first earth sign, charged with developing a healthy relationship to the physical plane. Perhaps this is why Earth Day falls in Taurus on April 22.

In Taurus, we connect through our sight, sound, taste, touch and smell. Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, rules the part of our life that has to do with our resources, both inner and outer, our talents, gifts, and abilities. Taurus rules what we love and value. Taurus rules our core values. Taurus also rules our sense of self-worth, self-appreciation and self-respect. In Taurus, we ask:

♥ What do I love and value?

♥ What do I truly want?

♥ What are my talents, gifts and abilities?

♥ What do I want in my relationships?

♥ Do I want what I have?

If we do not have a healthy sense of self-worth and values, we can fall into the shadow side of Taurus. This is “affluenza”— a painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more. This is the bloated, sluggish and unfulfilled feeling that results from efforts to “keep up with the Jones.”

“How do you feel about those things that you are giving most of your attention to? If there is something in your life that gives you negative emotion almost every time you think about it, we would do anything that we could do to get that negative thing out of our awareness.” — Abraham

Mars is in harmonious aspect to the Taurus New Moon empowering us to be bold, take action, and move forward. The Grand Earth Trine of March continues with this prosperous New Moon. Pluto is also harmonizing with Mars and the Sun and Moon in Taurus. You are powerful master creators. What do you want to create at the New Moon and over the next thirty-day cycle?

New Moons are when the Sun—male energy and Moon—female energy consummate and seed the new thirty-day cycle. The Taurus energy is fertile for planting new ideas, projects and relationships, for instance. The Full Moon in Scorpio on May 5 represents the pregnancy that began on the New Moon in Taurus. This is a productive, abundant, and fruitful Taurus New Moon. Empowering us to create the life we truly desire and love.

This is one of the best New Moons of the year to do our Light Casting. For instance, you can do a New Moon ritual on the day of the New Moon or 24-48 hours after the New Moon. Our job is to tell the universe—the planets what we want. Creator loves us giving the planets something to do. For example, when you go into a restaurant you tell the server what it is you want to eat. You do not look at the menu and say, “bring me something.” For vegetarian folks like me that could be quite unpleasant. The Law of Attraction runs our universe. We want to state to the universe what it is we want in our lives. We can use the contrast—what we do not want. To fine-tune what we do want. Our responsibility is to determine what it is we want and need. The universe, Creator and the planets determine the “how” and the “when.”*

“Many around you want to point out “reality” to you. They say, “Face the facts. Look at what-is.” And we say to you, if you are able to see only what-is—then, by Law of Attraction, you will create only more of what-is… You must be able to put your thoughts beyond what-is in order to attract something different or something more.”—Abraham

Venus, Taurus ruling planet is in flirty Gemini—the butterfly of the zodiac. Gemini is the Lovers card in the Tarot. The Lovers represents the male and female polarity. Over the months ahead, Venus in Gemini will present us with a multitude of choices in lovers, jobs and business prospects. Venus the Goddess of love and beauty is in Gemini until August 12. A plethora of opportunities may have your head spinning in which way to go and whom to choose. *smile*

“Choose wisely. He chose poorly.” –-Raiders of the Lost Ark

Nebulous Neptune is in harmonious aspect to the Taurus New Moon inspiring and uplifting us to reach for our highest ideals. Additionally, April ends the month with an excellent Sun Pluto trine a harmonious aspect that started at the New Moon and goes exact on April 29. We can uncover hidden resources, be empowered to overcome obstacles and reach our goals.

“We have never seen any of you want anything that wasn’t for one reason: You have this innate knowing that makes you want to gravitate toward what feels better.” — Abraham

The winds of adventure and creativity are blowing at this brilliant Taurus New Moon. Are you ready to take bold action? Do you have what it takes? Take advantage of this energy field of inspired optimism. A risk taken at this time could have a better than average chance of working out. We have to be willing to take risks and put ourselves more on the line. Those that do will be rewarded. The Taurus New Moon implies that much will happen fast. In the twinkling of an eye, our lives can improve for the better because we had the courage to make that leap of faith.

"Take the worthiness that is yours, and let the “Fairies of the Universe” assist you. Stop taking so much responsibility upon yourself, and live happily ever after. Shorten that crevasse between where you are and where you want to be, on every subject, to now, now, now, now, now. Ride the wave. Just pluck the fruit… You don’t have to be the one who puts it in the ground any more. You can just skip across the top of things and pluck the fruit of all of the things you want. “Oh, fruit. Oh, delicious this, delicious this, delicious this, delicious this.” In other words, it’s all right there for you; it’s ready for you to receive it as fast and as soon as you will vibrationally let it in.”—Abraham

Love and Peace,

Kelley Rosano

*Lightcasting Ritual and instructions are given in this video. Enjoy!

Happy New Moon in Taurus!

Taurus New Moon Mantra: “I Am Master Producer. I Create Abundance.”

For a detailed look at your personal astrology in 2012

For personal coaching with Kelley Rosano

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Thank You! You Are Awesome!

Astrological Events

Scorpio Full Moon May 5-6, 2012

Mercury enters Taurus May 8, 2012

Venus Retrograde May 12-June 27, 2012

We have four eclipses in 2012

20 May 2012 O* Gemini Solar Eclipse

4 June 2012 14* Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse

13 Nov 2012 21* Scorpio Solar Eclipse

28 Nov 2012 6* Gemini Lunar Eclipse

We can weather this wild evolutionary wave together!

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