Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse ~ Creative Power

The Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse on June 4 occurs when the Moon passes behind the Earth so that the Earth blocks the Sun’s rays from striking the Moon. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle. Thus, a Lunar Eclipse can only occur the night of a Full Moon.

The Sun represents our ego, identity, inner essence, will and purpose in life. The Moon is our emotional nature, our need for safety, security and comfort. The Sun in Gemini is encouraging us to be open to new ideas, attitudes and possibilities. An open mind and heart can empower us to move past our fears, doubts, and create new opportunities, new communities and build unity consciousness.

The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse challenges us to step out of the external limitations of what we think and what we know. We have been programmed by parents, teachers, culture, religion, government and the mass media to see reality in specific ways. We have been trained to worship the mind and the five senses. Yet, 96% of our universe is imperceptible, even to our most sophisticated scientific instruments. So, what is real? What is true?

The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse shows us that those answers cannot come from our head, but will come from our heart. This Lunar Eclipse summons us to integrate the masculine with the feminine, head and heat, spirit and matter.  It is time to move beyond our comfort zones, self- imposed limitations and boldly move into our future.  The power to create is increasing. Creating and manifesting is intensifying as we expand in consciousness. You are a powerful Creator.

♠What do you want to create?
♠What do you think is possible?
♠What empowers you?
♠What are you tolerating?
♠Who or what takes your energy/power?

Venus the Goddess of love, beauty and wealth is retrograde in Gemini until June 27. Venus is making a rare spectacular Eclipse of the Sun on June 5-6. Venus transits occur in pairs. The first one was on June 8, 2004. Previous pairs were in 1874 and 1882.  The next ones will be 2117 and 2125. It is time for women to reclaim their power and speak their truth. Women are not here to be exploited by the deranged 1% who makes the political and social policies to control our body, mind and souls.

Additionally, it is time for men to reclaim their feminine side.  Men were not created to kill and participate in war. Alpha and Omega our Father/Mother God never invented weaponry and war. War has been brainwashed into men by the negative ET influence 13,000 millennia ago. Men are great builders, creators and doers. Men make things happen and can be phenomenal athletes. Mars in our chart represents male energy, our drive in life, and our ability to get things done.  It is time that men take their power back from the 1% that profit from war and exploit our men, women and planet.  Uranus is in Aries giving the power back to the individual and the people.  It is time we claim our power and authority.

♠What gives you power?
♠ How do you keep your power?
♠How do you give your power away?
♠Are you the authority of your life?
♠Do you go within to your Inner Being for your authority?

Just a few hours after the peak of the Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse Neptune goes retrograde at 3* Pisces! Yeah! Neptune is the higher octave planet of Venus. For instance, Venus rules love. Neptune rules divine love. Neptune is dissolving the illusion of separation. All Are One. Neptune will be retrograde until November 10.  This will begin to give us a break as Neptune draws down his power. Neptune has been running the show for the first half of 2012.

Jupiter enters Gemini on June 11 until June 2013.  Jupiter in Gemini is encouraging us to open our minds to a wider range of truths. At the time of our Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse, the Sun, Venus and Jupiter are in Gemini. This will create contrast and contradictions for both are essential elements of the human experience. We will have many opportunities and choices being presented.

Prime Creator is using the Eclipse to download Love/Light Goddess energy through these key astrological events creating powerful endings and beginnings. We can go from breakdowns to breakthroughs in our relationships, institutions and systems. All must recalibrate to higher love or dissolve. The cosmic message is to evolve or dissolve. We are to stand in our Truth and power.


The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse is squared to aggressive Mars. We may be battling over petty details in defense of our big plans or our cherished beliefs. We want to avoid debates over principles—Moon in Sagittarius while we gather more information—Sun in Gemini. If we stay open, flexible and adaptable, we will find that there are several opportunities to reach our goals.

The energy will continue to be intense in June. Pluto and Uranus are getting closer to their first exact square on June 24. The last time Pluto and Uranus squared like this, we had the American and French Revolutions. Historically, Pluto and Uranus squares are notorious for taking out the ruling class. People are waking up and taking their power back. People are uniting, organizing and protesting. We must speak Truth to power. We must fight for our Sovereign rights to have abundance, education, housing, health, well being, vitality and the pursuit of happiness.

The cleansing fire of Source is preparing us for the divine portal opening on 12.12.12 and      12.21.12. At this cosmic historical event in December, Earth will align with the Galactic Center and the Great Central Sun moving Earth into Higher Dimension. The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse message is that we must come from our heart. Moreover, anything less than Truth and Love will dissolve in the Love/Light energy of Fourth and Fifth Dimension emerging in us NOW.

“Let your dominant intent be to feel good which means be playful, have fun, laugh often, look for reasons to appreciate and practice the art of appreciation. And as you practice it, the Universe, who has been watching you practice, will give you constant opportunities to express it. So that your life just gets better and better and better.” ~ Abraham

The Four Agreements 

“1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
2. Don’t Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.
3. Don’t Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.” ~ Miguel Ruiz

Love and Peace,
Kelley Rosano

Happy Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse!

Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse Mantras:
“My Strength is in my Patience” “I express my Creative Potential” 
“I Am ready for my next Adventure.”

For a detailed look at your personal astrology
For personal coaching with Kelley Rosano  

Thank You! You Are Awesome!  

   Astrological Events
  Neptune retrograde June 4–November 10, 2012
Mercury enters Cancer June 7
Jupiter enters Gemini June 11
Saturn Direct June 25
Venus Direct June 27
Mars enters Libra July 4, 2012
Mercury retrograde July 15–August 7, 2012

We can weather this wild evolutionary wave together!   

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Scorpio Full Moon ~ Living the Mystery

The Scorpio Full Moon on May 5-6 emphasizes the need to dig deep and analyze our beliefs around money, security and the purpose of life. This is the second of five SuperMoons this year. Sun in Taurus implies that we are all part of the circle of life. Each soul has a vital role to play. Another cannot replace you.  You are the gift.

♦ What is your life purpose?
♦ What are your talent and abilities?
♦ Are you making a living, or making a life?

The Scorpio Full Moon stresses truth and emotional truth. Scorpio rules what is hidden and at the core of an issue.  All souls, structures and systems must recalibrate to a higher calling of Truth. We are entering the Age of Truth, the Age of Empowerment. Pluto, Scorpio’s ruling planet teaches us about power. How we use power. How we get power. How we own our power and/or how we give our power away.

♦ What empowers you?
♦ What is your Truth?
♦ What is your heart’s desire?
♦ What are you on fire for?
♦ What is your passion?
♦ What is holding you back?
♦ What action steps can you take today to empower yourself?

The Scorpio Full Moon is bringing to our conscious awareness the importance of balancing our male and female energy.  This is why Prime Creator is sending the Goddess Love/Light energy to Earth. We are being recalibrated for fourth dimension. Creator is using the Full Moons, New Moons, Pluto and Uranus, eclipses, solstice, equinox and power dates such as, 5.5.12, 12.12.12 and 12.21.12. These are portals into the higher dimensions beaming intense Love/Light to Earth.
It is believed by many that there are a hundred dimensions to God Consciousness. For instance, Amebas are one-dimensional consciousness. Jellyfish are two-dimensional consciousness. Human beings have been stuck in third-dimensional consciousness since the fall of Atlantis. We have suffered for 13,000 years under the control of the Cabal and the Illuminati.  The Cabal has an insane lust for war, greed, global domination and their occult economy*. We are freeing ourselves from this prison-matrix. In truth, we are ascending daily. Some folks are already in 5th, 6th, 9th, 12th, and higher dimensional consciousness. They are the lightworkers on the leading edge, ‘holding the space’ for humankind to awaken.  The Light was winning from the beginning.

♠ What would you do if you had no limitation?
♠ What would you do if you had limitless resources?
♠ What would you create with your new freedom?

This is a magical and powerful Scorpio Full Moon. You are a powerful manifestor and creator. Stay out of fear. Be the magician! Use your power, your magic to create beauty and goodness. We are birthing a new paradigm one based on the power of love rather than the love of power. We are moving into fourth dimension. We are learning to create from our heart. Living from our heart, what we truly love and value. This will create Heaven on Earth.

Speaking of Love the Goddess of Love goes in reverse.  Venus, Taurus and Libra’s ruling planet turns retrograde on May 15- June 27.  This will empower us to reassess our goals, true values and our relationships. However, satisfaction may be delayed with Venus retrograde. Venus moving backward in Gemini is an excellent occasion for reconnecting with people and pleasures from our past. Venus retrograde is giving us the opportunity to dial out of the external programming from the television, the institutions, the family and the government. Instead, we can empower ourselves by going within and determining our own truth, our true values and our Self-worth. This is authentic power, when we live life from the inside out.

♦ What truly matters to you?
♦ What have you undervalued and/or overvalued?
♦ Are you in love or lust?
♦ Are you walking your talk?
♦ Are you owning your power or giving your power away?

Mercury the messenger enters Taurus on May 8 slowing our mind down and being more deliberate and careful in our communications.  The Sun conjuncts Jupiter on May 13 inspiring us with positive uplifting, and empowering can do energy.  Whatever you conceive and believe you can achieve. Empower yourself and then empower people.
This Scorpio Full Moon will be intense. The focus will be on our self-worth, resources and our core values. Taurus seeks comfort and acceptance for ourselves as we are; Scorpio seeks to reveal our vulnerabilities, unmet needs, desires and hidden resentment. We may feel it is impossible to avoid the intensity of our feelings at this powerful Scorpio Full Moon. Yet, a small amount of objectivity can make our feelings useful rather than destructive. Taurus reminds us of what we cherish. Scorpio shows us what we need to transform. We are in the process of a universal transformation.
The Scorpio Full Moon is revealing the hidden motivations, hidden agendas and important truths about the misuse of power and our resources worldwide.  We are changing from short-term, shortsighted gains to long-term, life-enhancing goals.  The power is with the individual. The power is with individuals coming together in groups— power teams. From the grass roots up, we are transforming the world from darkness into the Light. Remember that action speaks louder than suffering. Do what empowers you.

“When you try to justify where you are by pointing out how bad things are, you are headed in the wrong direction. Reach for the thought that feels better, And allow the natural Well-Being that is yours.” — Abraham

Love and Peace,

* Occult Economy   Mass Banking Resignations

Happy Full Moon in Scorpio!

Scorpio Full Moon Mantras: “I Am Resourceful.” “I Create.” “I Am Living the Mystery.”

For a detailed look at your personal astrology in 2012

For personal coaching with Kelley Rosano

Thank You! You Are Awesome!

Astrological Events
Scorpio Full Moon May 5-6, 2012
Mercury enters Taurus May 8, 2012
Venus Retrograde May 12-June 27, 2012

 We have four eclipses in 2012
 20 May 2012 O* Gemini Solar Eclipse
4 June 2012 14* Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse
13 Nov 2012 21* Scorpio Solar Eclipse
28 Nov 2012 6* Gemini Lunar Eclipse

We can weather this wild evolutionary wave together!

Always Victory!